Target group
Using the full potential of targeted advertising, YET focused on 3 different target groups:
TG1: 3rd Bachelors & Masters students in Brussels
TG2: Every student (Except Business profiles) in Brussels.
TG3: Every Business student in Brussels
The Young Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow (YET) is an initiative by hub.brussels which aims at empowering the youth to incur in the world of entrepreneurship. They offer guidance, information, workshops and all activities related to starting your own business. The Belgian youth is encouraged to engage, to learn, and to share their experiences with peers and other more experienced entrepreneurs.
For an entire semester, YET remained present in the study courses of the selected target groups. Another perk of communicating through the study courses is that you have control of the timing of your campaigns. Like this, the 3 different target groups were exposed to the campaigns in different timeframes. During the entirety of the semester, the main message related to 'Why not being an entrepreneur?'. For the final month of the campaign, a special event organized by YET was advertised, encouraging the students to come and learn more about YET and their initiatives.

The social impact of this campaign translated into almost 7000 euro saved in educational expenses. For YET, there was a reach ok 15k students throughout the 1st semester campaign. More than 300 students actively engaged with the online campaigns, which encouraged them to enroll and attend the Young-preneur month, a series of events aimed at helping students in their entrepreneurial adventures.