Target group
TG1: 1st & 2nd Bachelor students living in Kot
TG2: All students living in a Kot
Senseo and Zerocopy collaborated on a giveaway/awareness campaign. The idea was to activate the student community all across Belgium, with special focus on the different coffee varieties by senseo + a special offer at the end of the 1st semester campaign.
Senseo ran a consumer goods campaign aimed at connecting with Belgian students living in a Kot. Understanding the importance of coffee under a study context, the idea was to advertise the different flavors senseo has to offer. At the end of the campaign, after being present on the study courses of the selected target groups, an email campaign was released. 5000 free machines were to be given away, and the turnover showed! In mix with other campaigns, the senseo campaign proved successful in attracting the youth to participate to the giveaway. The opening % percentage for this email campaign was one of the highest in the history of Zerocopy.

More than 30k saved by the Belgian students thanks to this campaign. One of the most successful campaigns in Zerocopy history, given its high impact in terms of: students reached, timing, money saved by students, and results for the partner