How Students Navigate Media

Deep dive into students' media consumption preferences and habits through our latest survey results!


In a nation as diverse as Belgium, where linguistic, regional, and cultural identities intersect, understanding the political inclinations of its student population becomes vital. By delving into the political beliefs and ideologies of Belgian students, we gain valuable insights into how these diverse backgrounds influence their views on governance, policy, and societal issues.

Through a comprehensive survey involving 281 Belgian students, we discovered the beliefs, ideologies, and voting behaviors shaping the political ideals of students.

Here's what we discovered:

The “Belgian” Identity

We explored the complexity of national identity among Belgian students, aiming to uncover how young Belgians define themselves.

Students were prompted to select the identity that resonated most with them, choosing from options such as 'Belgian,' 'Flemish,' 'Walloon,' 'European,' or 'Other’

Among French-speaking respondents, the majority identified primarily as Belgian (65.2%), with smaller proportions choosing European (17.4%) , Walloon (15.9%) and Other (1.4%).


Note: National Identity of Belgian French-speakers

In contrast, Dutch-speaking respondents predominantly identified as Flemish (50.9%), over Belgian (41.6%). European (5.6%) and Other (1.9%) identities garnered the lowest support.

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